5.15.2023 J. Plante
Hobbits don't have videotape, but they do have cameras (apparently)! Here's a website creation of our wedding ceremony -- in case you weren't there, a wizard cast a spell on your memory, or, let's be honest, you're the bride/groom.
Photos by Macon Wedding Photography
Script and official officiant officiating by the inimitable Paul McColgan, long-time friend of the couple
Paul McColgan, Officiant
Mike Hoskins, Groom
followed by the Fellowship of the Hoop:
Christine & Scott Hoskins, Groom's Parents
Tim Hoskins, Groom's Brother
Margaret Miller, Beloved Friend
Mike Plante & Jess Bowles, Bride's Brother & Wife
Erica Schoon, Beloved Friend
Nick & Krista Plante, Bride's Brother & Wife
Parker & Kathy Plante, Bride's Parents
Jessica Plante, Bride
Please be seated!
Greetings Friends, Family, Loved ones. Dwarves, Elves, Hobbits. Adventurers and Road-weary Travelers. Whether your journey was long or brief, we now find ourselves settled in, recovering HP, and ready to celebrate the union of our two favorite people. Set down your swords, ready your pints, and let’s hear a mighty Huzzah for Jess and Hoss! HIP HIP!
Long ago, in the fires of Mount Doom, a ring was made. That was largely considered a bad idea, and a fine fellowship of folks basically took care of that already, so we are here to focus on the good things about rings!
Love, and the commitment to love is a very powerful thing. Stronger than Andúril (An-dew-rul), more fulfilling than Elevenses, it is a force that can bring out the very best in us, and we see that evidence before us here today.
Jessica, Michael, you are now ready to embark on the biggest quest of your campaign so far. Your friends and family stand at your side, with all the buffs and support spells they have slots for, to help and support you on this next step of your journey. As you venture forth into your beautiful future, let your love and fellowship guide you, as you learn and grow together.
If there is anyone out there who feels that these two should not be married, please remember that most of the wedding party is armed.
I would now like to introduce, Karen, Aunt and godmother of the Bride, who will read “Roads Go Ever On” from The Hobbit.
Roads go ever ever on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where never sun has shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known.
I would now like to introduce Karen Buhr (Burr), Aunt of the Groom, to read a poem JRR Tolkien wrote to his wife.
Lo! Young we are and yet have stood
like planted hearts in the great Sun
of Love so long (as two fair trees
in woodland or in open dale
stand utterly entwined and breathe
the airs and suck the very light
together) that we have become
as one, deep rooted in the soil
of Life and tangled in the sweet growth.
OFFICIANT: Thanks to you both, you may now be seated.
Jessica and Michael will now read the vows they have prepared. They do so.
Michael, do you promise to love and cherish Jessica, from this day until the end of all things.
Jessica, do you promise to love and cherish Michael, from this day until the end of all things.
Officiant takes rings from pocket.
People often say wedding bands are a perfect circle, with no beginning and no end. But these rings did have a beginning. The materials were formed a long time ago deep with the ground. Skilled, possibly dwarven, hands unearthed and formed them. Something beautiful was made from raw elements.
As Celebrimbor was the architect of the rings, so are you the architects of your love. Unearthed amid the trees and lakes, tested in the fires, and molded by adventure, it has been shaped into something extraordinary. You have made something beautiful, and incorruptible, where there was once nothing at all.
Jessica, as you place the ring on Michael’s finger, please repeat after me.
OFFICIANT/JESSICA: With this ring/ I thee Wed.
OFFICIANT: Michael, as you place the ring on Jessica’s finger, please repeat after me.
OFFICIANT/MICHAEL: With this ring/ I thee Wed.
OFFICIANT: May you and your love remain forever constant in each others sight, never fading to invisibility. May you follow each other ever onward, down from this beginning.
By the power vested in me by the Mayor of Michel Delving, the Thain of the Shire, and by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss.